Adobe Creative Cloud Account Setup For Art Students

1. Open an Internet browser on you computer and visit the following website:

2. Select "sign in" from the upper right hand corner.

3. Enter you student email address in the following format: "". You will then be prompted to verify you email address.

4. Log in to you student email and copy the verification code into the Adobe log in portal.

5. After entering the verification code, you will be asked to enter a few more pieces of information. You will create a new password on this screen.

6. Adding a phone number is optional, but it can be a great way to ensure that you are always able to access your account.

7. You are all set! Select the application that you would like to start using, or click "view all" for a comprehensive list.



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Article ID: 118881
Wed 10/21/20 12:10 PM
Fri 1/15/21 4:12 PM